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F 42

The Current World Champion 8, the F42 features optimized hydrodynamics for faster cruising speed, a slightly banana shaped keel line, and a rounder midsection. This boat is fast off the line and keeps its speed.

Athlete weight: 132-187 lbs.
Width at waterline: 59cms.
Length: 16.80ms.


F 49

For maximum power transfer, the F 49 is built to be extra stiff, coupled with optimized ergonomics and a displacement hull. The vertical bow keeps the boat pointed toward the finish line.

Athlete weight: 187-220lbs.
Width at waterline: 54.4cms.
Length: 17.44ms.

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F 54

Built for lightweight men and women, this hull is short and narrow, with a slight banana shape and a rounder cross section. It is very responsive, so a good choice for head races and 2Ks.

Athlete weight: 132-154lbs.
Width at waterline: 51.36cms.
Length: 16.07ms.